Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tudung Beauty Kak Long Bie di Hari Pertunangan

Assalamualaikum w.r.t....

Teristimewa untuk Kak Long Bie, anak buah akak yang berkenan sangat dengan tudung beauty lalu meminta akak membuat satu untuk dipakai di hari pertunangannya pada hari Sabtu 21/11/2009 yang lepas. Inginkan warna jambu sepadan dengan persalinan yang ditempahnya sendiri.

Untuk tudung beauty yang julung-julung akak buat ini, akak menggunakan dua tone jambu inner light yang dihiasi dengan bling-bling manakala tudung beauty pula warna jambu dark tone.

Tepi tudung akak hias dengan potongan bunga-bungaan sulam manik organza. Macam pengasas tudung beauty ini Izan, Beauty ND Beads cakap, kita kena trim dulu tepi bunga-bunga tersebut sebelum jait.
A BIG TQ especially for you Izan for the useful tips and brilliant ideas.

Inilah hasilnya.....

dan Kak Long Bie kelihatan sungguh ceria pada hari itu.

Sempat bergambar bersama bonda. Anak cucu sulung "satu poghut" lah katakan.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pola Kaftan Cuff

Assalamualaikum w.r.t...

Sis Sakinah benar-benar meminati kaftan cuff yang pernah dipakai oleh Izan Beauty. Beliau meminta KK melakarkan tentang cara dan langkah-langkah untuk membuat pola kaftan cuff ini. Katanya nak pakai kaftan ini pada Hari Raya Haji - Eid Adha nanti. Ini juga memandangkan KK dah kesuntukan masa untuk menerima tempahan dari beliau, apalah salahnya DIY kaftan sendiri. Sepasang kaftan tidak perlu banyak potong dan menjahitnya juga very simple.

Selamat berjaya!

Dapatkan nota dan langkah-langkah untuk membuat pola kaftan at RM12.00 sahaja. Harga termasuk penghantaran melalui email dan snail mail.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kurung Riau and Kurung Moden finaly done

Assalamualaikum w.r.t...
(may peace upon you)

Cikgu Aisya with her Baju Kurung Riau and

Kurung Moden (completed with puffy cuff sleeves).

Both were tailormade by me at RM40.00 each.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Assalamualaikum w.r.t/Peace be with you..

Here are the various types of baju kurung that I have sewn. There are four types that is moden, moden with cuff pleated sleeves, pesak betawi and riau. I would like to say thanks to sis Chi2 for allowing me to paste her pictures (wearing all the bajus that I have sewn for her) in my blog. I hope she will accept my offer to become model for all my personal touch in future.

BAJU KURUNG MODEN ---Harga Tempahan RM40.00 only


BAJU KURUNG PESAK BETAWI -------- Harga Tempahan RM45.00 only

BAJU KURUNG RIAU ------- Harga Tempahan RM40.00 only

Lately, I am facing problem login to my yahoo mail box. So many questions asked and if I am not mistaken all questions were answered correctly. To date I am very miserable because of that matter and I hope my yahoo email will recover soon.
Meanwhile, for those who would like me to sew one of the above bajus please call or sms me at my mobile : 012-6100892. OR you can send email to my alternatif email address: khatysew@gmail.com
I will be taking orders ONLY for two month starting from April to May 2009. Until than, I will be busy concentrating on my sewing schedule right up to Ramadhan Eve. This mainly because I will stop my sewing activity totally during the month of Ramadhan.
Queues are getting longer though and consequently I have to take emergency leave in order to complete some of the orders on-time. Meanwhile, please place your bookings as soon as possible to avoid frustration and disappointment. Overtaking queue are prohibited (I am sorry to say this).
Thank for your support and may ALLAH be with us always in whatever good things we do.
Take Care

Friday, January 16, 2009

My Thread Organizer

Year end spring cleaning recently done by the Production Department downstairs sometimes bring an advantage to me. Some unwanted item should not be thrown away wasted just like that.
I've got this idea to keep my embroidery thread organized and also to prevent them from tangling around here and there.
The unwanted item is this hard plastic polystyrene material with many 2" slots on it (not sure how deep the hole is). It will take years and years to decompose if your simply throw it into the garbage. Here it is....
First, arrange all threads that you have or available base on colours.
Then, simply press insert all spool available into each slots. Very simple.
With this thread organizer can now makes my project easier. I can find the thread quickly when it is arranged in rows by colours. I will keep this huge card in a plastic shield to prevent dust from settling on the threads. Let it stays there for the time being until all the slots are fill up. Till then I will think of another way...
This is not for sale. This is another tips from Kak Khaty towards Ringgit saving.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

"demi Palestin"


Dikesempatan ini, kami sekeluarga ingin merakamkan perasaan hati pilu, sedih di atas kematian, siksaan dan kesengsaraan kepada semua saudara-saudara kita di Palestin. Hari demi hari kita di Malaysia dihujani oleh berita-berita tentang pengeboman dan kita sentiasa berada di dalam kekesalan dan kegelisahan mengenai berita tersebut. Namun, kita hanyalah insan kerdil di bumi Allah hanya mampu berdoa...dan berdoa ...dan berdoa cuma. Selain dari itu kita juga berupaya memboikot barangan US yang ternyata bersengkongkol kepada pertumpahan darah ini.

Wahai anak-anak ku...
pergilah kamu...
pergilah tawarkan tenagamu..

sekurang-kurangnya dengan hanya mengambil bahagian dalam aktiviti "demi Palestin" sedikit sebanyak dapat merengankan beban kesengsaraan saudara-saudara kita di bumi Palestin.