Year end spring cleaning recently done by the Production Department downstairs sometimes bring an advantage to me. Some unwanted item should not be thrown away wasted just like that.
I've got this idea to keep my embroidery thread organized and also to prevent them from tangling around here and there.

The unwanted item is this hard plastic polystyrene material with many 2" slots on it (not sure how deep the hole is). It will take years and years to decompose if your simply throw it into the garbage. Here it is....

First, arrange all threads that you have or available base on colours.

Then, simply press insert all spool available into each slots. Very simple.

With this thread organizer can now makes my project easier. I can find the thread quickly when it is arranged in rows by colours. I will keep this huge card in a plastic shield to prevent dust from settling on the threads. Let it stays there for the time being until all the slots are fill up. Till then I will think of another way...

This is not for sale. This is another tips from Kak Khaty towards Ringgit saving.
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