Assalamualaikum w.r.t/Peace be with you..
Here are the various types of baju kurung that I have sewn. There are four types that is moden, moden with cuff pleated sleeves, pesak betawi and riau. I would like to say thanks to sis Chi2 for allowing me to paste her pictures (wearing all the bajus that I have sewn for her) in my blog. I hope she will accept my offer to become model for all my personal touch in future.
BAJU KURUNG MODEN ---Harga Tempahan RM40.00 only
BAJU KURUNG PESAK BETAWI -------- Harga Tempahan RM45.00 only
BAJU KURUNG RIAU ------- Harga Tempahan RM40.00 only

Lately, I am facing problem login to my yahoo mail box. So many questions asked and if I am not mistaken all questions were answered correctly. To date I am very miserable because of that matter and I hope my yahoo email will recover soon.
Meanwhile, for those who would like me to sew one of the above bajus please call or sms me at my mobile : 012-6100892. OR you can send email to my alternatif email address:
I will be taking orders ONLY for two month starting from April to May 2009. Until than, I will be busy concentrating on my sewing schedule right up to Ramadhan Eve. This mainly because I will stop my sewing activity totally during the month of Ramadhan.
Queues are getting longer though and consequently I have to take emergency leave in order to complete some of the orders on-time. Meanwhile, please place your bookings as soon as possible to avoid frustration and disappointment. Overtaking queue are prohibited (I am sorry to say this).
Thank for your support and may ALLAH be with us always in whatever good things we do.
Take Care
teruskan usaha ya kak!! :D nice one!
Allah bersama org yg sabar berusaha!! :D
-->ini cuma nk kongsi sumber rezeki je :D
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